Section 5 Design for Journalists

Friday, April 27, 2007

My Website link:

Sarada's King Tut Website!

Katie Koepfinger Website

Happy summer, everybody! :-)

Mary Schell's site

Happy summer :-)

Website by Julia Arcamone

Kendra Howard Fashion Forward Site

Kendra Howard

Website - Caitlin Murphy

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Stephen Goslin

Marine Life
I gotta say... web design is not my forte, but if i get lower than a B on this, so does Meriam... I'm just sayin...

I'm gonna join the crowd here and give a big-ups to all my homies in class. I'd like to thank my mom and dad for raising me right and showing me the 5 keys to success in life: wear a seatbelt, don't drink and drive, put education before broads, wear deodorant... alright 4 keys. Arielle, I love you.

Lastly, Dannell... call me. I'm out.

Dariel S. Johnson ~ Urban Underground Magazine

Check it...

SHOUT OUT TO J CREW. Dannell thank you for admitting FINALLY that I was your favorite student ever.

Meghan Grever Website


Megan Gaffney Web Page


First off I just want to say thanks to all the people who have been a huge part of my Journalism career, although I like to think of it more like a journey of fun…let the good times roll!
But I would especially like to thank Dannell for being a big part of life up until this point. She has inspired me to become the journalist I am today. She has brought out the creativity in me that I did know I had….she’s good!! I also would like to give a shout out to my Journalism girls especially Anastasia K, Devin Clark and Meghan Grever. To me you will always be remembered as group 14/Jcrew!!!!!
One last thing GO MERIAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is Megan Gaffney reporting live for J152 stay classy Philadelphia!!!

Peace out!